Business Leaders!!

Is Business Change Giving You a Headache?

Deliver your change goals more easily, with less stress, high engagement and great results.

Accelerate your impact. Grow your reputation

Your fast track to change leadership mastery, whether you're just starting out, facing a difficult situation or a seasoned practitioner looking to take it to the next level.

Your PERSONAL CO-PILOT as You Navigate the Challenges of Leading Change

Whether you're going it alone or with external consultants there are a number of common challenges faced by leaders, from overwhelm and lack of time to dealing with resistance and conflict, maybe even doubting your own thinking on a specific problem.

You may be about to run your very first change, or potentially you are facing something bigger or more complex than you've done before. Maybe you are seeing change resistance and it's slowing you down, making it harder and more stressful to achieve your goals.

Our expert 1:1 support is specifically designed to take you quickly from resistance and overwhelm to confidently making more impact more quickly. Enhance your reputation and open up new opportunities by delivering the changes that matter with high engagement and adoption.

Whether you're just starting out or with many years' experience. You'll avoid the mistakes made by most leaders and fast track your self to great results with less stress. Build your reputation as a trusted change leader and develop relationships that last. That rare kind of leader who's both highly respected and gets results.

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Your needs are unique to you and so our 1:1 support is specifically tailored to where you are now, whether you're just starting out or a seasoned practitioner. Here are just a few of the typical challenges we help leaders with:

Challenge 1: Low Engagement and Resistance to Change

It's very common that employees, colleagues and even other leaders are disengaged and resistant to the changes that need to be implemented. Typically this comes from a lack of understanding, fear of the unknown, or a perceived threat to their current roles.

What you'll gain:

  • Address the Root Causes: We'll get to the underlying reasons quickly so you can address them before they become a problem.
  • Powerful Communication Techniques: Learn how to craft and deliver compelling change messages that resonate with different personality types and preferences.
  • Influencing Without Authority: Practical tools and techniques you can use right away to get the right people onside and supporting your change.

Challenge 2: Lack of Change Leadership Experience

Leaders are often promoted to change leadership roles without prior experience or specific training, leaving them feeling unprepared, unsupported and overwhelmed. They can also feel over-reliant on external specialist resources

What you'll gain:

  • Change Leadership Best Practice: We'll work through the best practice and change theory in a practical and accessible way. You'll be confident that you have a solid grasp of latest change management principles, models, and practices. You'll be on the front foot, confident, prepared and ready.
  • Conflict Resolution Techniques: Understand the psychology behind conflict, recognising the emotional triggers (in you and others) then develop smart, practical approaches to move from conflict to unity and commitment.
  • Mentorship and Guidance: Theory is one thing, applying it in practice is something very different. You'll have our full support as you take those important steps from theory into practice and then onwards to true mastery.

Challenge 3: Overwhelm and Stress

Leading change can be an incredibly stressful and lonely experience, with feelings of self-doubt, overwhelm, potentially even burnout. If left unchecked, this can affect your mental and physical wellbeing and even impact on family and close relationships.

What you'll gain:

  • Advanced Prioritisation and Focus Techniques: We'll work together to develop the powerful habits adopted by the most admired leaders and highly effective people throughout history.
  • Unlock Your Inner Power: Most people leave untapped potential at the mercy of their limiting beliefs. We'll work through time proven approaches to reduce stress and take control of your inner world so you can deal with all life's challenges with supreme confidence and greater ease.
  • The De-Stress SOS Protocols: For those moments when you're caught up in the emotional storm, there are some very powerful, practical techniques you can apply in minutes to get you back in control. And of course, we are here to talk it through because a problem shared is a problem halved.

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Tailored to You!

The coaching and support you need when you need it most. Whether you are starting out or a seasoned practitioner.

Save Time & Effort

Don’t waste time searching for answers and making the common mistakes. The experience you need when you need it!

Decades of Experience

We've learned the hard lessons so you don't have to. Fast track your way to business change mastery

What others are saying...


"Mark combines that rare blend of excellent people skills (he is an exceptional listener), with a strong professional background in leading change, and, finally, the critical ingredient of understanding exactly which approaches to deploy in order to best support and deliver your change initiative successfully. Mark excels at knowing when to challenge you and when to provide reassurance or more support"

Louise Welch – Senior Director, Global Operations – PlayStation


"Mark is absolutely great to work with. His subject matter expertise is, of course, impressive but no surprise. What has been more important on this project is the way that Mark works. He engages everyone involved at the outset, he is crystal clear with his communication and he has the ability to work at pace whilst also taking time to bring everyone on the journey with him"

Alan Evans – Executive Coach & ex Transformation Director at Game UK


"There is no substitute for Mark's 'in the trenches’ experience over decades and across such a wide range of industries and pressured scenarios. If you need expertise from someone pleasant to deal with, highly entertaining, and ahead of the curve for his clients, you need to get in touch with Mark"

David Santineer – Business Change Specialist and Change Management Institute Lead

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Decades of Change Experience Ready For You

My experience in change started in the late 90's when the music industry I was in at the time went through a huge industry transformation as they battled with the rapid decline of their market as a result of the internet. Resistance was everywhere and this needed a new set of skills. Bit by bit I started to apply a different approach, an approach inspired by a couple of excellent mentors I was very fortunate to have at the time. Leaders who seemed to deliver change effortlessly and never appeared stressed, they were also well liked and constantly in demand.

As I began to apply the same principles, my job in leading change got so much easier, my business relationships improved and my career took off. I went from running local IT business improvement projects to delivering global multi-year changes in organisations like EMI Music, JP Morgan and Warner Music. I launched Applied Change in 2010 and since then I and my team have consulted, coached and mentored leaders in a wide range of sectors such as manufacturing, finance, telecoms, engineering, publishing, distribution, retail and many others. Our clients include Universal Music, PlayStation, Vodafone, Accenture and many others.

My team and I have also combined our decades of practice with the latest behavioural science (through our collaboration with University of West of England) into the High Impact Changemaker Formula and Change Journey Navigator tool. These are now making it even easier for leaders to get great results consistently.

Leading change, like any skill, is honed over time, it's the result of learning from others, trying different approaches, keeping what works and discarding what doesn't and then adding in your own unique approach.

Fast track yourself to change leadership mastery, with decades of experience guiding you every step of the way.

Lead Your Business Change with Confidence

The coaching and support you need when you need it.

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